Terms and Condition

A. Introduction

This Data Privacy Notice outlines our policy in relation to the collection, use, processing, and protection of personal and other data you may provide, including personal or sensitive personal information as these are defined under Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (“DPA”), and its related issuances (“User Data”). By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, you signify that you have read, understood, and consented to the collection, use and processing of your User Data, in accordance with this Data Privacy Notice.

From time to time, we may update our Data Privacy Notice to reflect current changes in our policy and the law. When do so, we will notify you by posting it on our website for your information and reference and, where required under the law, including the DPA and related issuances, rules and regulations, we will request your consent to be bound by the updated terms of the Data Privacy Notice.

B. Collection of User Data

We collect your User Data, as may be applicable and necessary to your use of the services provided under this application, Including transmitting or sharing of your data to your service provider. . Customer Data are either Personal Information or Non-Personal Information:

For purposes of this application, the User Data we collect may include (but not be limited to):

If you supply us with Personal Information of other individuals, we will request you to certify that you have obtained the consent of such individuals before providing us with their personal data.
We may also request you to update your User Data from time to time. Should you be unable to supply us with the required Personal Information, you may be unable to continue using the features and services in the application.

C. Use of User Data

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and to the full extent allowed by law, we use User Data for the following purposes:

Further, we will use your User Data to the extent necessary to comply with the requirements of the law and legal process, such as a court order, to comply with a legal obligation, or to prevent imminent harm to public security, safety or order. We will your Non-Personal Information for statistical, analytical, and research purposes to create anonymous and aggregate reports.

When required by this Data Privacy Notice and the law and before we use or process your User Data for any other purpose, we will ask for your consent at the appropriate time. We will not subject your personal data to any automated decision-making process without your prior consent.

When offered, you may avail of our broadcast messages relevant to you through written correspondence, text messaging, internet, or other similar means of communication. You may also change your mind anytime and stop receiving them.

We may outsource or contract the processing of User Data to our service provider/partner, or other telecommunications operators, to fulfill any of the above purposes. They are only authorized to use User Data for such contracted purposes. They may have access to User Data for a limited time under reasonable contractual and technical safeguards to limit their use of such information. We require them to protect User Data consistent with our Data Privacy Notice and the applicable laws and regulations.

D. Protection and Storage of User Data

User Data is stored and transmitted securely in a variety of paper and electronic formats, including databases that are shared between Bricktech Cleaning Inc or Cleanhome.ph different units or offices. We secure and protect your Personal Information with proper safeguards to ensure confidentiality and privacy, prevent loss, theft, or use for unauthorized purposes, and comply with the requirements of the law. We will retain your relevant Personal Information as may be necessary for historical and statistical purposes. Where a different retention period is provided in the application, by law and/or a company policy, all affected records will be securely disposed of after such period.

As communications over the internet may not be secure, we make reasonable and appropriate security arrangements and measures that use a variety of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect User Data.

We only permit your User Data to be accessed or processed by our authorized personnel who hold such information under strict confidentiality. We restrict access to information to our officers, employees, contractors, and agents who need to know such information in order to process it for us, who are subject to strict contractual and technical safeguards and are accountable if they fail to meet these obligations.

Furthermore, we only give you or your duly authorized representative access to your Personal Information. We do not and will not sell your Personal Information to anyone for any purpose. We also do not and will not use nor share your Personal Information with content and/or information providers without your prior request or consent.

We keep our records as accurate as possible. If your Personal Information is wrong, we give you ways to update it. Once you have registered as our user, you may access your account details and correct your Personal Information, as may be applicable, or by contacting us at bernas.institute.law@ateneo.edu When disposing of your Personal Information, we take reasonable measures to ensure that it is done properly and is not accessible to the public. We are not responsible for information, content, application, product or service that we do not provide. However, we take measures to fight spam, fraud or any unauthorized messages that traverse our network.

We will report any instances of such activity that we become aware of to the proper authorities as required by law.

E. Contact Us

We recognize your rights with respect to your personal data, as provided by the DPA. If you wish to exercise any of your rights, or should you have any concern or question regarding them, or any matter involving the company and Data Privacy Notice, you may contact the Cleanhome Headquarters at:


Complaints / Security Incidents: cleanhomemyla@gmail.com

Landline: +6382564916

Address: Unit 4A GMA loubel Plaza Bagtikan St. San Antonio Village Makati City, Philippines.